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Ethnomusicology - World/Cultural Music


Encyclopedia Britannica

Search for country or region & "music" for an analysis of the traditional melody, harmony, form etc. (example. search "Chinese Music", "latin American music"


Songs of America
The collections of the American Folklife Center include Native American song and dance; ancient English ballads; the tales of "Bruh Rabbit," told in the Gullah dialect of the Georgia Sea Islands; the stories of ex-slaves, and international collections from every region of the world.


Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage

The Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage is dedicated to the collaborative research, presentation, conservation, and continuity of traditional knowledge and artistry with diverse contemporary cultural communities in the United States and around the world.

World Music

World Music Network is  a portal that features up-to-date newspreviews, a guide sections, exclusive charts and an original Battle of the Bands competition.


Western Michigan University - World Music (non-western)
Analysis and examples of music from Africa, Indonesia, Mexico, Japan, Near and Middle East,  China,  India.



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